Hotel Management Syllabus of PG

Hotel Management syllabus of PG (Postgraduate)

Check All Hotel Management syllabus of PG (Postgraduate) – Master of Hotel Management (MHM): Principles and Practices of Management, Organizational Behaviour, Accommodation Management, Food and Beverage Management, Food Science, French Language, Nutrition and Dietetics Management, Communication as well as Soft Skills,

Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Applied Operations Research, Financial Management, Facilities Design and Management, Hospitality Management, Food and Beverage Management, Accommodation Management, Marketing and Sales, Fundamentals of Tourism and Tourism,

Products Strategic Management, Management Institute System (MIS), Master in Tourism and Hotel Management (MTHM): Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality, Industry Hospitality Operations and Management, Tourism Management,

Quantitative Methods for Business, Sales Management, Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Financial Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Strategic and Sustainable Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Gaming and Casino Management, Revenue Management and Hotel Analytics,

Strategic Brand Management, MSc in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Quality service and operations management, Food and Beverage Management, Tourism Management, Tourism Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,

International Hospitality, Business Research and Quantitative methods, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Financial and Management, Accounting Tourism and Hospitality, Marketing Sociology of Tourism, Property Management, Strategic Planning and Management in Tourism and Hospitality,

Business Infrastructure Management, Decision Making under uncertainty, Event Planning and Management, Sustainable Tourism Development, MBA Hospitality Management, Organisational Theory and Management Hospitality and Tourism Management Food and Beverage Management and Control, Principles of Operation,

Management Financial Management, Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Management, Quantitative Applications in Management, Marketing Research and Report, Preparation Economic, Analysis Business Environment and Law Accounting for Management, Food Science and Dietetic Management, Computer Applications, Business Communication,

Behavioural Science, Strategic Management, Management in Action-Social, Economic and Ethical Issues, Facility Planning, Design and Management, Total Quality Management, Accommodation Management, Marketing of Services, Front Office Management, Public Relations and Corporate Images Event and Conference Management Recruitment, Selection,

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Hotel Management Syllabus of PG

Training and Development, Hospitality Law Advertising and Sales Promotions Brand Management, Service Operation Management, Foreign Language: French, German, Spanish, Japanese as well as Chinese, MBA Hotel Management: Principles of Tourism and Hotel Management, Financial accounting for Tourism and Hotel, Business Managerial Communication, Tourism Products of India, Front Office Management,

Theory Food Production and Beverage Service, Bakery and Confectionary Theory, Central Reservation System Procedure, Travel Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Tourism Hospitality and Marketing, Management Tourism,

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Planning Food Safety and Nutrition Cargo Management, IT for Tourism and Hotel Research Methodology Customer Relationship and Service Management, Legal Framework for Tourism as well as Hotel, Hotel Facility Management. This is It in Hotel Management Syllabus of PG Check more Recent Posts For Latest Updates.